Monday, January 9, 2012

The Meaning of Life?

What is the meaning of life? 

Is it as Douglas Adam's suggests?

Perhaps the answer in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life sounds more appropriate:
 "Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations." 

Or, maybe Nietzsche has it pegged--there is no meaning...

I'm not really looking to solve the answer to the big question in this post. I will say, that I certainly hope Nietzsche isn't right.  I tried being a Nihilist once, this dude didn't care for it. 

Some might argue, that asking if there is a meaning to life is a pointless endeavor.  We all die. Our best laid plans get wiped out for no apparent reason.  Fragility is brutal, it makes one want to ask, "why bother?"  Such questions come readily to mind during set backs and time's of tragedy.  It is an ever running theme in the midst of depression.  What is the point in trying to live a meaningful life?  Why search for happiness if a chemical imbalance, an injury, or an uncaring force of nature can take it all away?

I continue to ask the question for one reason only, "I have hope." Hope in a purpose, both in this life and for an afterlife.  I have hope that I can have some say in the events of my life and the choices I make can lead to a quality life. 

 Is a quality of life possible? 

 Is there meaning? 

 Can we choose happiness?

I'm going to start my quest for capturing lightning in a bottle by acting as if all three questions can be answered with a "yes." 

During the course of my quest I will be reading and studying a variety of thinkers that have attempted to answer these questions.  Perhaps, in the exploration I will find patterns that hint at Truth. I plan on looking at philosophers, psychologists, theologists, and anyone else that find that seems to have put some thought into these questions at first only summarizing the main points, as my knowledge of the ideas grows and I feel I have enough information I will move to evaluating the ideas put forth and possibly putting some of them into practice or dismiss them if they seem ineffective or contrary to my goals.

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