Big Sis, her friend, Baby Boy and I got to go to the zoo this weekend. Mom had to work. It was about 92 degrees and very humid, but it didn't stop anyone from enjoying the day.
We are fortunate to have the zoo so close. I bought a year pass, so that whenever I'm not sure what to do on the weekend I can always head to the zoo and not worry about the cost.
I was worried about staying for too long as the sun was quite relentless and I didn't want babyboy burning. I covered him with a kids spf 50 sunblock and applied it every hour. It seemed to work just fine, as long as I can get him to keep his hat on.
I'm not sure which animal was his favorite. He particularly liked the bears, even though they were off in the far distance. I think he recognized them from "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?"
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